Dear Friends,
hope you are well!
A few updates on the main projects this autumn of 2023 - the main focus is currently the startup of a second season of the Burning Phoenix Podcast, where we look at our changing times and to what extent we might be in the early stages of a bigger cycle of Rebirth of our culture and civilization. And we also look at also how we can draw from and learn from the Classical and Medieval Texts as eternal wisdom, which is relevant and perhaps even essential for today:
The second project is a new podcast called the “Dante’s Paradiso Podcast”, where we go through the spheres of Heaven and look at Dante’s original Italian version of the Poem, which in many places are much deeper and spiritual than most of the English translations. And we also had our first guest this week - Robert-Louis Abrahamson is Emeritus Professor in English for the European Division of the University of Maryland, and studied at Amherst College, University of Edinburgh and Rutgers University. We’re discussing Sphere one of Paradiso - the Sphere of the Moon - as the “Gate” to the Heavens, and how it transforms your perspective to be able to open up for more wisdom and knowledge:
Have a great weekend,
very best,
From York, England - the city of Constantine the Great.