Interesting how throughout time, cultures and people have intuited McGilchrist's findings. Look forward to your further articles on this, especially the pragmatic aspects of "how to..."

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Jun 20·edited Jun 20Author

Indeed - we have intuited this internal dynamic for centuries and millennia to sometimes an astonishing level of detail. Fewer have posited a detailed remedy though, apart from warnings of the excesses. A part of the challenge of shortening Dante's fuller argument is that the process of reading his poem is in itself transformative - it gradually changes your brain so you can understand his argument better and better. A bit like learning a new language, it takes time.

But in some sense, McGilchrist has articulated the "Inferno" of the left hemisphere excesses extremely well - so we can start on the beach of Purgatory island. Having a new attitude of an open mind, getting grounded in virtues like discernment and courage, and realizing that the process of learning might seem like a never ending mountain up into the skies. It takes effort, and it will have resistance. But once started, it gets easier and easier, and even self-motivating. The fruits are evident quite quickly.

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